Rogues Practice: August 1, 2021
Home » Practices » Rogues Practice: August 1, 2021
Rogues Practice: August 1, 2021

Hey Ruggers,

On August 2nd, the Rogues had their 7th weekly practise over pride weekend! It was a smoky, hot, humid day, and the Rogues ran themselves ragged during practise.

We began practice by practicing running drills with ‘traffic’: players had to coordinate running and passing in different patterns across a square, all while avoiding the other set of players trying to do the same but running perpendicular to them. Afterwards, the Rogues broke into 4 teams, and played about an hours’ worth of touch games.

Our Rogue of the day was James Wei! Next time you see him, give him your congratulations, a clap on the back, and make sure he’s drinking with his left hand.

Afterwards, the Rogues celebrated Pride as a team. We started out at the Melaroma Club, with a friendly boat race against a queer softball team. This was followed up with some beer pong, dancing, and some lawn games. After shutting down the Melaroma Club, the Rogues moved downtown, to Pumpjack, where they closed out the night with some more drinks and lively chatter.

Alright, that’s it! Catch us here next week.

Happy Pride!!

Rogues Rugby

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